Academics & Curriculum

Graduation Requirements


40 semester credits


30 semester credits 

(Financial Algebra I, Geometry, &  Financial Algebra II) 

May be scheduled in Entrepreneurial Math based on placement exam.


20 semester credits (Integrated Science 1 & 2)

Social Studies

30 semester credits 

(10 world history, 10 US History, 5 Government, 5 Economics)

Physical Education 

20 semester credits

  • Physical Education I, Physical Education II
  • (EDGE) Lifetime Fitness - Emphasis eSports

Language Other Than English 

20 semester credits (same language)

Visual Performing & Arts (VAPA)

*Some required or student choice ePathway courses may validate VAPA requirements.

*10 semester credits:

  • Online Design & Marketing 
  • Culinary Arts
  • Digital Media Production & Digital Video Production
  • eLearning options
  • Yearbook

REQUIRED ePathway*  

(All Rising Entrepreneurs will be scheduled in this ePathway)

40 semester credits

  • Entrepreneurship/ Self-Employment
  • Business Management


20 semester credits

*Options subject to change based on course offerings annually.

  • STUDENT CHOICE ePathway.  It is a two-year commitment for each ePathway:
    • Culinary
    • Education
    • Video Production
    • Software and IT Systems Development 
  • ASB Leadership (Student body election and recommendation) 
  • Panther Leadership
  • Learning Lab (Recommendation)
  • Advanced Placement courses beyond core requirements (Assessment, Previous Grades C or higher, & recommendation)
  • Dual Enrollment (Counselor recommendation)
  • College Bound Pathway (CBP)(Counselor recommendation)
  • eSports and Game Simulation Development
  • Integrated Science 3


230 semester credits* 

*Students who do not fully complete a minimum of 230 credits and meet the requirements of the Senior defense project will not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies.


A-G UC/CSU Requirements

High school graduation requirements are NOT the same as college admission requirements 
UC & CSU minimum requirements: 
a  -  History/Social Science- 2 years
b  -  English- 4 years
c  -  Math- 3 years (Algebra I and II, Geometry)       
d  -  Lab Science- 2 years (1 year physical, 1 year biological)
e  -  Foreign Language- 2  years (3 strongly recommended)
f  -  Visual Performing Art- 1 year
g  -  College Prep Elective- 1 year
(electives must be chosen from any approved “a-f” course         
Minimum GPA in order to apply:        
  2.0 for CSU
  3.0 for UC
Note: Students must earn a “C” or higher in ALL “a-g” courses.

College Entrance Testing Requirements

College Entrance Tests vary by university.  It is recommended that families contact schools directly to find most up-to-date information.  
Here is a list from with a list of schools that are test-optional or test-free.