Entrepreneur High School Home

About Entrepreneur High School

At our eHigh San Bernardino, we empower students to shape their futures. Our enhanced entrepreneur model (eModel) gives every eHigh student a strong business foundation, plus the freedom to explore exciting career paths like Culinary Arts, Education, Video Production, Software & IT Systems Development. Our graduates will be uniquely prepared to succeed in college and the workforce, equipped with entrepreneurial skills and expertise in their chosen field.
Tuition FREE High School
WASC Accredited School
Fully Credentialed Teachers

At A Glance

  • CIF Sports
  • apple
    Safe Learning Environment
  • WASC Accredited
  • 1:1 Computers
  • transcripts
    13+ Years of experience
  • Remote Learning

News & Announcements

Pupil Safety: Parental Notification of Firearm Safety Laws

At our schools, ensuring the safety and well-being of our students is a top priority. As part of this commitment, we want to inform you about Assembly Bill 452 (AB 452), a recent law that mandates parental notification of firearm safety laws by public and private schools in California.